AY2021 Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan (SASJ) Annual conference (online)
Research presentation / SASJ 50th Anniversary Program

Event information

Date: September 21st (Tue) and 22nd (Wed), 2021 (2 days)
Venue: Online
Organizer: The Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan
Co-organizer:Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, University of Tsukuba, Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba

1. Agenda

*Open to public

<>September 21st (Tue)
Oral presentations / Special lecture / Board meeting / General meeting
SASJ 50th Anniversary Symposium
Room ARoom B
9:00-Meeting room open
9:15-Opening remarks
Conference chairman: Mizutani Koichi (Prof. Emer. University of Tsukuba)
9:25-General guidance
(includes 5-min break)
Oral presentationsA01-04
Chair: Ando Yasumasa
(Food Research Institute, NARO)
Oral presentations B01–04
Chair: Nakakubo Ryo
(Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science, NARO)
Oral presentations A05–08
Chair: Ishida Mitsuyoshi
(Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science, NARO)
Oral presentations B05–08
Chair: Yokoyama Hiroshi
(Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science, NARO)
11:45-12:55Board meeting
13:00-13:45*Special lecture
13:50-15:50General meeting
15:55-17:35*SASJ 50th Anniversary Symposium
September 22nd (Wed)
Poster presentations / Committee meetings
9:00-Meeting room open
9:20-General guidance
9:30-12:30Poster presentations AP1–AP10
Core time: 9:30–11:00
Chair: Ishii Masahisa
(Institute for Rural Engineering, NARO)
Poster presentations BP1–BP13
Core time: 11:00–12:30
Chair Moriyama Hideki
(Institute for Rural Engineering, NARO)
12:35-Closing remarks
Chair of planning committee: Wakatsuki Naoto (Assoc. Prof. University of Tsukuba)
12:45-15:45Committee meetings
-17:00Posters can be viewed and comments can be submitted

    2.Participation fee (including book of abstracts)

     Regular member*1Student member*1Non-member*2
    Participation fee3,000yen1,000yen5,000yen
  • *1Includes those who enroll as a member by the deadline for abstract submission. Only in the first year, you can receive a half price discount on the membership fee (regular member 8,000 yen → 4,000 yen, student member 4,000 yen → 2,000 yen). If you would like to enroll in the discount, please complete the enrollment procedure from the "enrollment form". At that time, please enter "Request for a discount on membership fee for the first year to participate in the conference" in the "Contact Information" field. Please note that the enrollment procedure may take several days).
  • Web form (in Japanese): https://z107.secure.ne.jp/~z107179/wp/regist/
  • or Application by e-mail: https://sasj.org/en/regist/index.html
  • * 2 Non-members can only participate (cannot be a presenter).
    • 3. Deadlines

      Registration for oral/poster presentationJun. 20th, 2021 (Sun) -> July.5th, 2021 (Mon)
      Submission of abstracts and
      payment of participant fee (for presenters)
      Aug. 31st, 2021 (Tue)
      Registration for participation and
      payment of participant fee
      (for non-presenters)
      Sep. 19th, 2021 (Sun)*3
      • *3 Preferably, participant fee should be paid no later than Sep. 17th (Fri).

    • Registration for participation and presentation
    • Presentation information and abstract submission
    • Payment of registration fee
    • 4. Conference contents

      (1)Research presentation: online oral and poster presentations
      (2)SASJ 50th Anniversary Program: keynote speech and panel discussions are planned

      5. Contact

      Department of Intelligent Interaction Technologies, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, University of Tsukuba, Tennnodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8573, Japan.
      Email: sasj2021-sec*sasj.org Change * to @